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Limestone Century Routes and General Description

Route distance options are:

100-miles (Imperial Century)

100-kilometers (Metric Century)

50-kilometers (Half-Century, Metric)

The routes are basically in counter-clockwise direction. Starting and ending in Portsmouth Village (a district on the shore of Lake Ontario in Kingston, ON). Routes go north / northeast before heading westerly and then eventually south to Lake Ontario, coming back to Kingston via the lake shore. All routes overlap on the same roads until turnoff points for the 50-km and 100-km routes. (Registered riders will have access to cue-sheets and GPS files.)

Rest-Stops with nutrition and hydration items, as well as toilets, are located on-route approximately 20 to 30 kms. In addition, a support and gear (SAG) vehicle will be driving the routes.

Roads are NOT closed to traffic and are shared with other road users. Roadway conditions vary as to surface, but mostly paved may have short sections of dirt / gravel. The routes are flat to rolling hills with a moderate climb or two, depending on the distance of the route.


Note: Please be advised that LCBT routes may change prior to the event due to unforeseen road issues and/or logistical reasons. Any changes will be announced as soon as possible and riders will be notified.
Route Maps not yet avaiable
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