8 September 2024
Release from Liability
I understand that participation in this cycling event is voluntary on my part and involves a certain amount of risk of accident and personal injury, as does all cycling activities. I also understand that this event requires me to have a certain level of physical fitness and the ability to ride a bicycle in a safe and reasonable manner. I agree to wear a bicycle helmet and obey all rules-of-the-road and all traffic laws during this event. This event is not a race. By acknowledging that I have read and understand this release (via registration process), I hereby agree to assume responsibility for all personal injury, illness, accident, or property damage that I, or my minor child, may acquire as a result of participating in this event. I release Limestone Century Bicycle Tour & Cycle Kingston, Inc., the organizers, their directors and executives, their members, event sponsors and donors of this event, and volunteers associated with this event from all liability, either through omission or commission, before, during, and after this event.
If I am under the age of 18, I understand that I must have a parent or guardian with me at the event chick-in and mush have completed the required information on the registration form.